Since the early 1960s, Esalen has been the first and foremost center of alternative and experiential education in the United States. Located in an idyllic setting in northern California, Esalen is wedged between land and sea just off scenic Pacific Coastal Highway in Big Sur.
Esalen has always drawn a steady influx of philosophers, psychologists, artists and religious thinkers. The founders of humanistic and transpersonal psychology as well as Gestalt therapy were integral to its philosophy and evolution. These early practices are still the driving force guiding the dynamics of living, learning and working in the community today. 

What is Esalen Massage?

Esalen Massage is a style of bodywork that had its beginnings in the 60s, but continues to grow and evolve with the times. This practice has been informed by many rich sources and ground-breaking pioneers who found a receptive audience within the Esalen community. Some of these forms include: sensory awareness, Gestalt and meditation practice, Swedish massage and cranio-sacral work. The deeper work draws from Ida Rolf's structural integration, Dr. Milton Trager's psycho-physical integration and Moshe Feldenkrais' awareness through movement. Each practitioner brings their own talent, skill and personal experience to a session according to the circumstances presented.

What makes Esalen massage with Makarena unique?

The most notable difference of how I approach giving an Esalen-style massage is the quality of touch and the intention behind the contact. As I work, my hands heat up—they are open, soft and full as I actively listen to the language of your underlying tissue.
Paying attention to the breath and working in an open, meditative state of non-judgment allows me to respond to your body's feedback. A loop of nonverbal communication takes place—from your tissue to my hands and from my hands to your tissue.
There is no prescribed sequence or technique. Each session is unique. Long flowing oiled strokes help to create the feeling of being whole, connected and in harmony with all things. The pace is slow in order to soothe and relax. I blend in movement that is rhythmic and wave-like to lull and bathe your nervous system. Traction that is within your comfort level is used to lengthen, elongate and create space within your spine, limbs and joints.
At times, I pause and there will be moments of stillness so that your mind can integrate and process the sensory motor information and the changes that are occurring.
These are some of the key elements of how I work and what makes Esalen massage with me unique. It is this approach of listening, responding, flowing and pausing that makes the direct tangible feeling experience different. 
What happens in an Esalen massage session?
The session begins with long, slow, T'ai Chi-like strokes as if new landscapes of your body’s contours are being painted. As the tissue becomes warm and softens to the touch, deeper more specific contact can begin. Bound-up muscles are loosened, lengthened and unwound. Passive motion is initiated from the level of bone—such as swinging, lifting, rolling or rocking. This movement is like oiling the joints, opening and awakening the senses to the greater possibilities for range of motion through a direct experience of moving without effort.
First, one side of the body is addressed and then the other. One area of the body is moved, stroked and blended into the next. The outcome is a deeper connection and a realization of being one whole integrated being.
As the session comes to a close, you are given time to rest for a few minutes in private. You will be encouraged to take your time and move slowly. First, you may want to take some deep breaths and to wiggle your fingers and toes to gently awaken yourself. Then, slowly you will transition from a horizontal position to lying on your side, then to an upright sitting position and finally you will make your way to standing. The session is then complete. At this time, you are welcome to schedule. another appointment if you like.